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Superior Quality Metallic Minerals Iron Ore Wholesale Bulk Purchase Iron Ore Fines


    $60 per tonne

Superior Quality Metallic Minerals Iron Ore Wholesale Bulk Purchase Iron Ore Fines Saremco Impex Private Limited is a major growers and experter of Agri Products, Metallic Minerals and Himalayan Salt Products. Saremco Impex Private Limited works under supervision of Saremco Group of Companies.

Our agriculture products includes export of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, we export a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables but our major exports are Potato, Mango, Onion and Kinnow.

We also export Animal feed products on large scale including Rhodes Grass Hay, Wheat Straw Hay, Rice Straw, Corn Silage and Other Agricuture Waste products. Saremco Impex Private Limited is a largest producer and exproter of Metallic minerals products and a major grower, manufacturer ad exporter of Agricutlrue Products from Pakistan

Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the world's iron and steel industries. It is therefore essential for the production of steel, which in turn is essential to maintain a strong industrial base. Almost all (98%) iron ore is used in steelmaking. Iron ore is mined in about 50 countries.

However, Iron ore is among the top five minerals found in Pakistan and the country has an estimated 1.427bn tonnes of reserves of various grades, approximately 60 - 65pc of these are reported of high grade. iron deposits are of great economic significance, but they have not been exploited on a larger scale in the country

  • Shape Fines (Powder)
  • Moisture (%) 2% Max
  • Place of Origin Pakistan