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Rice hay, rice straw large and small baled straw Animal feed Best price Export quality from Pakistan


    $60 per tonne

Rice hay, rice straw large and small baled straw Animal feed Best price Export quality from Pakistan Rice straw is produced as a byproduct of rice production at harvest. Rice straw is removed with the rice grains during harvest and it ends up being piled or spread out in the field depending if it was harvested manually or using machines. Ratio of straw to paddy ranges from 0.7-1.4 depending on the variety and growth.

Saremco Impex Private Limited is a major growers and experter of Agri Products, Metallic Minerals and Himalayan Salt Products. Saremco Impex Private Limited works under supervision of Saremco Group of Companies. Our agriculture products includes export of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, we export a wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables but our major exports are Potato, Mango, Onion and Kinnow.

We also export Animal feed products on large scale including Rhodes Grass Hay, Wheat Straw Hay, Rice Straw, Corn Silage and Other Agricuture Waste products. Saremco Impex Private Limited is a largest producer and exproter of Metallic minerals products and a major grower, manufacturer ad exporter of Agricutlrue Products from Pakistan

  • Specification Rice hay roll
  • Shelf Life 12 months
  • Manufacturer New Spring
  • Storage Type Normal condition